Omaha Beach Residents Society (OBRS) is an Incorporated Society registered under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 to which all property owners in Omaha South are members. The powers of the Society are provided for in its written constitution. A copy of that constitution is available on this website. Please take the time to become familiar with the constitution and your responsibilities as members of the incorporated society.
When land was purchased from the Omaha South developer the purchasers became members of the Society and agreed to be bound by the provisions contained within the constitution. When a property is on-sold that obligation follows to any future purchasers. Members of the Omaha Beach Society Inc. automatically become members of the Omaha Beach Community which represents the wider interests of all property owners at Omaha Beach.
Membership of the Society is compulsory for all Omaha South property owners. The current annual levy is $275+GST. The levy is invoiced annually on 1st July each year.
Building Design & Review Process
All new builds, modifications etc are reviewed by the Design Control Committee (DCC) to ensure they are compliant with the building guidelines.
Those guidelines are here and the application process for DCC design approval can be found here